Partner Organizations
Partner Organizations
The following are Catholic-based but independent organizations that work hand-in-hand with our parish. St. Patrick’s Church supports them as much as possible by providing facilities for meetings and storage and spiritual assistance; the organizations support the parish through volunteer work, donations, their presence and their prayers.
Call the Parish Office at 489-2680 to contact the ORGANIZATIONS on this page.
Italian Catholic Federation (Branch 291)
The Italian Catholic Federation is a family oriented, non-profit fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build faith and family spirit and bring men, women, and children of all ages together. You don’t have to be Italian to join, but you have to be Catholic or married to a Catholic member. We meet on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Parish Hall and we join together in a variety of activities. Visit the website at to learn more about this national organization. Contact: Pete Gallagher (Branch 291 President)
Knights of Columbus (Council 1375)
This international order was founded in 1882 through the efforts of Fr. Michel J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Council 1375 is very present and active at St. Patrick’s Church, assisting in its many activities and supporting the clergy in their Christian mission. They meet on Wednesday evening in the parish Hall. Visit the website for more information. Contact: Rick Mercier (Grand Knight), John Murphy (Church Liaison)
Quilting Angels/Central Coast Quilters/Sewing & Crafts
These groups meet in the parish Hall and Annex on Tuesday mornings. They produce amazing quilts and beautifully crafted items perfect for any décor. Their masterpieces are sold at our Annual Holiday Bazaar and Craft Fair. Proceeds are donated to the parish to support altar needs and related ministries. Please contact ther Parish Office for more information.